Here are 7 tips and tricks you can try to help get kids smiling…
1. Do. Not. Smile.
This is one of my favourites (especially for older kids). It’s reverse psychology and almost always works. Say, “Ok, NO smiling. I’m serious. Hey?! Is that a smile I see? Stop smiling. I think I can see a smile. Don’t do it…. etc” Chances are, they aren’t going to be able to keep a straight face forever.
2. Ask them funny or silly questions.
Use humor to get them giggling. Think of funny questions and see how they respond. One of my favourites is, “who has the stinkiest feet at your house?” This works great with little kids, especially if they blame a nearby parent who plays along and gives them a funny/offended reaction.
3. Play the “faces” game.
Play the “faces” game, where you ask them to show you a “scared” face, or a “surprised” face. Or ask, “what does a sleepy face look like?” And a “grumpy” face, etc. Finally, ask for an “excited” or “happy” face. Be ready to capture all of the genuine smiles, laughs, and giggles that naturally emerge from this game!
4. Sing a song (but do it wrong).
Ask them if they know a certain song. When you find one that they like, start singing it but then purposefully sing it wrong. Keep doing it, pretending that you just keep forgetting the words. E.g. Sing the ABCs – “A, B, C, D, E, F, Potato. Wait, what? Did I do it wrong? Let’s try again. A, B, C, D, E, F, Banana.” Little kids in particular seem to find this hilarious!
5. Animal Sounds
Ask them what their favourite animal is and what sound it makes. Then, you start making the sound too! You could also tell them your favourite animal (pick something silly) and start making that sound, and maybe make the wrong sound. E.g. “Well, I love horses. I just think it’s so beautiful when they neigh like this: Mooooo…” Be ready to capture their reaction as they realize your mistake and laugh at you.
6. Ask them how high they can jump
This one works really well for kids who just can’t seem to stay still (so, pretty much all kids). Ask them how high they can jump, and then be really impressed when they show you! Ask them to do it again and be ready to capture their genuine smile when they land.
7. Toilet Humour
If all else fails, basically, just say “poop” or make fart noises. Most kids can’t keep a straight face when it comes to age-appropriate “poopy pants” jokes.